Case Study


One of the top rated healthcare systems in the country found the results so profound that almost half of the participants, over 60 leaders, volunteered for a one hour after action review to share the impact of the cohort process on their professional development as a leader and on their teams. The objective of the cohort was "to build the capacity of leaders within the organization in Strategic & Systems Thinking, Self/Mutual Accountability, Collaboration, and Effective Team Performance.”

Program Content – Of those interviewed, 100% found the concepts, tools and approaches of high quality and practicality.

Cohort Design– All respondents highly valued the cross-functional nature of the group and the community of practice that was formed. Benefits included peer coaching, support, challenge and “learning a common language” together.

Coaching– 40% identified coaching as being the single most critical learning tool in behavior change and application of new tools in the work setting. All found individual coaching valuable in helping them with direct application.

Respondents felt the learning environment was conducive to breaking down the concepts and practices into manageable chunks that increased their ability to understand the information presented and apply it effectively.

Participants thought that the monthly format over the span of six months was helpful because it gave them a chance to practice the principles and practices between sessions, allowed for an individual coaching session to take place, and did not detract from their work duties for a time span that was unmanageable.

Making effective requests, time management capabilities, coaching capabilities, and authentic presence are all cited by participants as having a marked effect on the quality and quantity of work they are able to accomplish both personally and from their teams because of their cohort experience. Many Cohort participants reported higher scores on instruments used by their organization to gauge employee engagement, patient satisfaction and core quality measures.

Participants report feeling less stressed, more confident, having a better rapport with staff, and increased productivity at work from both themselves and their teams. One-hundred percent of participants have reported their communication with their teams and other employees has improved resulting in better outcomes and all would recommend the experience to their colleagues.

Amy brought to me a higher perspective, helping me understand
what thinking strategy looks like and where it belongs in the
organization. Amy was adept at giving me suggestions but letting
me make the decisions.